Apr 18, 2010

Keep your Manager's Happy

Occasionally we have to compromise some of our values, beliefs and perceptions to curry favor with the boss. There must be a level of distinction and awareness as to what power and role you play in the organization. Partnering with the boss in the long run is always good for one’s career.
Your boss can be a big supporter in helping you achieve a promotion, career growth, gain learning opportunities and room for advancement. After all, the boss is responsible for performance evaluation and allocation of resources. His experiences can guide and mentor you towards future leadership positions. He can direct you to the right path, introduce you to the right people, assign the right projects, and coach you on your performance. Through constructive criticism, an effective manager helps you gain awareness and gives direction in areas where you are weak.
If you develop a relationship of mutual respect with your boss, he can return the favor. He can ensure that you have the right tools and resources to do your job and succeed. He can also support you when you make a mistake by allowing you to learn from it. He can share confidence and provide information fro top management that can help you grasp and understand company goals, mission and objectives.
In the short-term, cooperating with the boss reduces daily stress, and the conflicts to contend with. Your boss has the power to make a work situation miserable for you and with; you can utilize your time more effectively towards positive growth and creative development, instead of waging competing with his attitude and work style.
Face the reality that it is only in extreme occasions that you can try to change who your boss is. It is in your best interest to create a satisfying relationship, so nurture it. Try to understanding it fro your boss’ perspective, why he has to make the decisions, like allocating your work and that of others, and learn from it. Even if you disagree, close observation of someone’s leadership style is always a good learning opportunity if you keep an open mind. At least you are accountable for the mistakes one makes, but has the benefit of lessons learned and of what to avoid.
If your boss looks bad, you also bad. Your performance is key to your boss’ success. Working with him to ensure that it is a win-win relationship, establishing that connection of mutual success, is a good strategic alignment for your career. Ensure that you develop this relationship by being positive, keeping open lines of communication, being one step ahead of your boss, anticipating his needs, knowing and adapting to his style. And doing your job as efficiently and productively as possible.

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