Apr 18, 2010

Be Aware of None-Verbal Communication

Written work is graded on the following criteria: organization, focus, critical thinking, original thinking, use of research, logic, structure and analysis, format, use of resources, grammar and mechanics, professional tone, correct use of concepts and terms, and depth of coverage.
•    Ensure that your written assignment addresses the topic or question, presents varied viewpoints, and provides sufficient resources to support the argument
•    Locate and understand sources. Locate materials such as books, articles, and items in the Internet related to the topic for further understanding and mastery of the concepts.
•    Use reality-based examples to enhance critical thinking. Supplementary research such as interviews and/or commentaries from industry experts will allow you to gain insight into different communication styles, as well as broaden your knowledge of past and current courses of action in solving a problem.
•    Prepare a clearly outlined written assignment. Include assignment title and purpose, along with specific steps.
•    The entire written assignment should be logically organized, have solid arguments with supporting evidence relevant to the thesis statement. The assignment should be thoroughly discussed while avoiding too much repetition. The style should be concise and precise, free of spelling and grammatical errors and incomplete sentences, and cites references correctly.

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