Apr 15, 2010

National Day of Prayer 2010 Cancelled

National Day of Prayer 2010 Cancelled, National prayer day, first appointed  President Truman and made permanent by President Reagan, who concluded by an ecumenical service at the White House with President George w. Bush, every first Thursday in May.
National Day of Prayer 2010 Cancelled,:This no longer happens. President Obama, turned out to listen to complaints from atheists and others who have held a religious service, no matter how inclusive, is the official support of religion, has canceled a national day of prayer ministry. Cancellation of this, in turn, irritated the evangelical Christians who regard it as insulting religion. Since becoming president, Barack Obama has some doubts where to attend Sunday services. Every church in Washington that serve every President can become the focal point of attention. President Reagan, a religious man, refused to attend Sunday services, calling for security problems.

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