Apr 11, 2010

Texas Stadium Implosion

Texas Stadium Implosion Sunday morning in Irving, Texas many may have heard a loud bang after the Texas Stadium implosion took place at 7:08 am. The stadium implosion was set off by 11 year old Casey Rogers winner of a Kraft Macaroni and Cheese essay contest. There were 55 detonations that took place half a second apart to bring the stadium to the ground. The Texas Stadium implosion took place as a few thousand onlookers had a tail-gate style party to commemorate the event. The Dallas Cowboys played in the Texas Stadium up until the last football season when they moved over to the state of the art Cowboy’s Stadium. The Texas Stadium Implosion took place this morning after six months of planning.Often the best place to generate ideas is within your company. Innovation does not have to be about revolutionary. It could simply be improving on existing products, services or processes. It could be one simple alteration that could reap any benefits. Brainstorming is used for decision-making to empower employees, those who are on-the-job, live and breathe the process and products. Brainstorming gives management a bigger picture of the business and makes the most of ideas and opportunities.

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