Mar 21, 2010

Health care reform bill

Health care reform bill: Right now, we're all sitting on edge wondering what the future holds for our health care system. While I don't think anyone has even read the entire 2,700 page bill, Congress is on the verge of passing it. This does not seem like a responsible action by our government. If passed, this bill will change every single American's life and not for the better.

The Health care reform bill:It will back up the already slow health care provider system and hike up huge taxes on those who can barely afford private insurance. The bill needs to be scrapped in favor for a more concise plan that provides change to our system, but not at the expense of the economy.
I support health care reform efforts to improve our system because health care affects all of New Mexicans. However, I do not support the current health care legislation. I fear that a government-run health care program poses threats to our insurance needs. We will likely see new taxes and employer mandates that will make it harder for small business owners to enjoy quality insurance.

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